Saturday 31 August 2013

The start of it all - Flower

This was the first, the one that started it all. Matt was away umpiring in Alberta. Rayna, 4, Cameron, 2, and Braedon 6 weeks were all sick and I was going crazy. In a moment of utter brilliance I suggested that if the older two would go off and play for a bit I would make a surprise for lunch. And so a lunchtime passion was born. It had to be healthy. It had to be fun. And it had to be something they would eat.

I made a flower from apple slices, strawberry slices and egg slices. It's hard to see but the strawberries behind the egg are the same heartshape as the leaves. The stem is a celery stick, with smaller celery sticks for the branches. I felt it need something else so I added 'grass' with some celery bits.

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